Executive Commitee & Board Of Trustees Members




Joseph Mikulewicz, Co-President

Chatham Farmers’ Market

C - 201-874-7804

[email protected]

(term ending 2016)

Kurt Alstede

Alstede Farms

PO Box 278

Chester, NJ 07930

D - 908-879-7189 E - 908-879-7431

C – 201-924-9075 [email protected]

(term ending 2016)

Peter Furey

NJ Farm Bureau

168 West State Street

Trenton, NJ 08608

D - 609-393-7163

[email protected]

Janice Piccolo, Vice President

Borough of Chatham

54 Fairmount Avenue

Chatham, NJ 07928

D - 973-635-0674 x 200 F - 973-635-1095

C – 201-650-3187 E - 973-377-0396

[email protected]

(term ending 2018)

Harvey Ort

1 Bartley Road

Long Valley, NJ 07853

D – 908-876-3357

C – 908-797-6707

[email protected]

(term ending 2017)

William Walker

NJ Dept of Ag

Division of Markets

PO Box 330

Trenton, NJ 08625


[email protected]

Rebecca Melick, Co-President (farmers)

Melick's Town Farm

PO Box 613

Chester, NJ 07930

C - 908-256-1691

[email protected]

(term ending 2018)

George Fetzer

Valley View Farms

PO Box 60

Augusta, NJ 07822


No email

(term ending 2017)

Pete Nitzsche

County Agricultural Agent

Rutgers Cooperative Extension

P. O. Box 900

Morristown, NJ 07960

D - 973-285-8306 x226

[email protected]

Alan Grossman, At large

Grossman Farms

120 Sykesville Rd.

Chesterfield, NJ 08515


[email protected]

(term ending 2017)

Suzanne Lee
Morristown Farmers Market
1 White Birch Road
Morristown, NJ 07960
D - 973-326-9725
[email protected]
(term ending 2017)

Ronald Good
Retired NJ Dept of Ag
[email protected]
(term ending 2018)

Nicole Ort
Ort Farms
1 Bartley Rd
Long Valley, NJ 07853
D- 908-876-3357
[email protected]
(term ending 2018)

Inspector, Pat Giordano

38 Orchard Street

Florham Park NJ 07932

h 973-377-6220

c 201-247-2022

[email protected]


Lissi Lascarro
1 O lrquois Trail
Denville, NJ 07834
D- 201-417-2335
[email protected]
(term ending 2016)

Administrator, Lisa Cuomo

NJ Farm Bureau

168 West State Street

Trenton, NJ 08608

D – 609-393-4763 F – 609-393-7535

[email protected]


Dale Davis
Stony Hill Gardens
8 Route 24
Oldwick, NJ 08858
W- 908-879-2696 c-908-963-3150
[email protected]
(term ending 2018)

Jeff O’Hara

Union Hill Farm

160 Casterline Road

Denville, NJ 07834

D - 973-366-0440 C - 973-714-9247

E - 973-361-6628

[email protected]

(term ending 2016)

Brandt Davis
10 Route 24
Chester, NJ 07930
(term ending 2016)

Paul Labarris- Highland Park
(term ending 2017)

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